February 25, 2024

Get to Know the Coaches - Beyond their PR's: Coach Rosie

Written by Cally Macumber
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What are you up to?

Embracing the warmer Phoenix days before the frying pan season begins. Looking forward to seeing family in the spring and waiting to learn where my husband's residency program for med school will be in June.IMG_6035

What are you reading?

Tools of the Titans, Tim Ferris

Lessons in Chemistry, Bonnie Garmus

What are you listening to?

Audio Book: Tony Robbins- Awaken the Giant within and cringing at my Spotify 2023 throwbacks

What are your non-running goals for 2024?

I am working towards opening my own gym space with the goal of ultimately owning my own gym.

Ok, but what about running?

I am working on becoming faster! I’ve been in marathon mode for a long time so I’m excited to focus on some shorter races. First up Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 mile and then a half marathon in May. Operation fast twitch.

Last modified on February 28, 2024
Cally  Macumber

Cally Macumber

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