runcoach blog

As someone who has competed in many races throughout the years and learned valuable lessons along the way, I'm excited to share my top 5 do's and 5 don'ts for training effectively and avoiding common mistakes:


  1. Do Set Realistic Goals:

  • Whether it's completing your first race or setting a new personal record, make sure your goals align with your current level of commitment and fitness.

  1. Do Follow a Structured Training Plan:

  • A structured training plan helps you to adequately prepare for race day. Talk with your coach and build a plan that suits your fitness level, schedule, and goals.

  1. Do Listen to Your Body:

  • Pay attention to signs of fatigue or pain, and don't ignore it. It's better to take a day off or scale back  than to risk an injury that could sideline you for weeks.

  1. Do Practice Your Fueling Strategies:

  • Practice your race day nutrition and hydration strategies during long training runs to find out what works best for you. Experiment with different foods, gels, and drinks.

  1. Do Focus on Recovery:

  • Make sure to prioritize sleep and activities such as foam rolling and stretching. Give your body the time it needs to repair after hard workouts. Enjoy your Easy & Off days!


  1. Don't Overdo It:

  • One of the most common mistakes runners make - avoid the temptation to increase mileage or intensity  too quickly. Build gradually to reduce the risk of injury and burnout.

  1. Don't Skip Cross-Training:

  • Incorporate activities such as cycling, swimming, or yoga to improve overall fitness, prevent injuries, and enhance recovery.

  1. Don't Neglect Strength Training:

  • Introduce exercises that target key running muscles, such as the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core, into your weekly routine.

  1. Don't Ignore Rest Days:

  • Use rest days to allow your body time to repair. Don’t squeeze in extra runs on rest days, and prioritize relaxing instead.

  1. Don't Compare Yourself to Others:

  • Every runner's journey is unique, and it's important to focus on your own plan rather than comparing yourself to others. Celebrate your own accomplishments and progress!

As runners, we often find comfort in our regular routes. However, when we venture out out can it breathe new life into our training, via fresh scenery and new challenges. If you want to spice up your routine, here are some tips to find and map your next run.

Remember that the Runcoach iPhone/Android apps includes GPS for all of your runs.  If you happen to run with your phone, Runcoach will guide you through the workout, score every Mile/Km split and help you stay on track.  After the run your map will display and your coach will have terrific insight into the workout

Utilize Online Tools and Apps: One of the easiest ways to discover new routes is with complimentary online tools or apps. Websites like Strava, MapMyRun, and Garmin Connect allow you to search for routes created by other runners in your area. You can filter routes by distance, terrain, and difficulty level to find one that suits your preferences.

Explore Local Parks and Trails: Parks and trails are excellent options for runners who seek scenic routes. Take some time to explore your local parks and trail systems, and don't be afraid to venture off. You never know what hidden gems you might discover!

Ask for Recommendations: Visit your nearest run specialty shop for recommendations on new routes to try. They may have insider knowledge of lesser-known options in your area that you wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

Experiment with Terrain: Challenge yourself by experimenting with different terrains. For example, if you typically stick to flat roads, try incorporating some hills or trails into your plan for added variety and intensity.

Stay Safe: Before you head out on a new route, take some time to familiarize yourself with the area and plan accordingly. Let someone know where you'll be running and when you expect to return!

Lace up your shoes, step out of your comfort zone, and take on a running adventure!

Whether you intend to run a local 5K or target a half marathon, race day strategies are important to optimize your performance and make the most of your experience. This blog shares tips that will help you prepare for seamless execution on the big day.

Dress for the Weather Conditions

Stay informed about the weather forecast and cordinate your race day clothing accordingly. Dress in layers that can be easily shed if temperatures get warm. 

Arrive Early and Get Acquainted with the Course

Allocate enough time on race morning by arriving early. This allows you to manage pre-race nerves, use facilities, and acquaint yourself with the course. Take note of potential challenges.

Practice a Positive Mindset With Visualization

Mental toughness can be as important as physical preparation. Take a few moments before the race to envision your success. Picture yourself crossing the finish line accomplishing your goals. Have a positive mindset and reflect on all of the hard work and dedication you invested into your training.

Prioritize Hydration

Begin hydrating well before race day and continue sipping water leading up to the start. For longer races, consider carrying a small water bottle to the start line.

Prepare Your Nutrition Ahead of Time

In the days leading up to the event, stick to familiar, easily digestible foods and refrain from experimenting with new items. On race morning, opt for an easily digestible meal.

Execute Your Race Plan

One common challenge on race day is starting too aggressively. Start the race conservatively and gradually increase your pace as you settle into the run. Develop a pacing strategy with your coach and trust your training!

Written by Rosie Edwards.

We are runners. And for many of us (as runners), our mentality is to GO, GO, GO! We love to push the boundaries of what we think our bodies can do and live to test the waters in order to gain that extra 1%.

But have you ever stopped to think about how our bodies absorb all of the hard work that we put in?

Insert the HOLY GRAIL of training, REST.


You might notice the Runcoach schedule has a "6 day max" of run day assignments.  Why does every individual need at least one day off? Let's find out:

- Recovery: Training is a stimulus or stress which elicits a response. We stress our bodies through physical activity. It is within recovery that we see super compensation of fitness development through cellular adaptation, further capillarization in the leg muscles, and improved blood chemistry to move oxygen to our working muscles. 

- Injury prevention:
It’s no secret that running can be hard on the body. Many of us are road runners. We pound on the concrete in preparation for our next big opportunity to go fast. Our muscles, joints and bones need a break from this.

- Mental breaks: Sure, running is fun, and it can be a great stress reliever. However, a rigorous training program can be mentally challenging, too. A rest day helps to give you time to enjoy other hobbies and avoid burnout.

- Replenishing glycogen stores
: When training we use the glycogen in our muscles for energy and it can be a training regimen in itself to keep these stores topped off through adequate nutrition. A rest day provides you with a day to top off precious glycogen stores in preparation for your next big run.

So next time that you put your feet up, feel good about it. Rest is an invaluable part of your training too, after all.

Runners love outdoor miles, but there are times when weather conditions may force you inside. During these moments, your training does not need to be derailed! Indoor workouts can be a powerful tool to enhance your running performance, offering a chance to focus on strength, flexibility, and cross-training. Explore the following variety of indoor workouts, ensuring you stay on track with your goals:

  1. Yoga is an awesome complement to running. It helps improve balance, flexibility, and mental toughness. You can incorporate yoga to improve your range of motion, enhance flexibility, and prevent injuries. Poses like Downward Dog, Warrior series, and Pigeon pose target areas commonly stressed during running. Dedicate a few sessions a week to yoga to enjoy its full benefits. Tune in here for a great workout!

  1. Strength training helps prevent injuries and improves running efficiency. Focus on exercises that target major muscle groups, including squats, lunges, deadlifts, and core. Incorporating resistance training with weights or bands can improve strength and stability, contributing to better performance on the road.  We recommend this workout (which requires no weights or equipment) 2 times a week! 

  1. Treadmill workouts become a valuable asset when weather conditions make outdoor running challenging. Mimic your scheduled workout on the treadmill, but place it at 1% incline and use this chart to adjust your paces.

  1. Plyometric exercises focus on explosive movements to enhance your power and agility. Plyometrics engage fast-twitch muscle fibers, important for running fast. For example, these exercises can be done in a basement or garage! Include plyometrics into your routine and take your running performance to new heights.

  1. Indoor cycling or Swimming are great ways to build cardiovascular fitness without the impact on your joints. Whether you use a stationary bike, join a virtual cycling class, or swim in the pool, these low-impact workouts allow you to maintain or improve your aerobic fitness. We suggest biking 3 miles for every 1 mile run prescribed within your plan, or swimming for equal time to run time.

Whether you're facing difficult weather conditions or simply seeking a change in routine, these indoor workouts will keep you engaged and motivated on your journey to becoming a more resilient runner.

Trust the Taper

October 20, 2023

One of the most important, but often overlooked, components of training for a goal race is the taper.  The hard work has been accomplished and all that remains is to rest and sharpen up. Confidently easing off the gas pedal and arriving prepared, yet rested at the starting line is a crucial component to racing success.  Here are a few things to consider when race day is in sight, but still a couple weeks away.

You don’t have to push hard all the way up to race day in order to preserve your hard-earned fitness. ecomm_fall_running

Just as it is important to heed the scheduled call for recovery days in your regular training, the last 2-3 weeks of a half or full marathon training cycle is a singular opportunity to allow your body to be as rested as possible before going to the well on the big day.   While there have likely been times where you have had to push yourself to finish the last few miles of a long run or get out of bed when a hard session is on the schedule, enjoy the reduction of miles over these last couple weeks. Remind yourself that you have the physical ability to go farther and the mental confidence from those workouts that will carry you through on race day.

The last few weeks are a great opportunity to focus on healthy living as you prep for your race.

If it is difficult to keep your sleep habits as intended for months at a time. This is an opportunity to get maximum impact from a few weeks of slightly increased sleep.  Likewise, you can make a difference with a few weeks of healthier eating habits.

Many of us have too many obligations and commitments to live a daily life with the healthy habits we’d hope for, but ideally we can all get on board for a few weeks for the final push to race day.  Maximize the rest you are getting from shorter workouts with an extra half hour of sleep per night and increased hydration with healthy food choices.  This allows arrival on race day without the need to cram hydration and nutrition concerns into a short 1-2 day period.

Keep your body in the training rhythm to which you are accustomed.

Tapering doesn’t mean change everything. What it does allow you to do is keep your body and mind focused while requiring less strain and allowing for more recovery.  Your training schedule will follow a similar pattern with slightly easier tasks.   Continue to take your workouts as seriously and resist the urge to over schedule your life now that you may have a bit more time to play with than in the last few months.  For example, continue to allow time for the stretching you were so diligent about when the workouts were really tough, instead of dashing off to another engagement now that the workout wasn’t as taxing.

As your body will require less fueling to accomplish these workouts, the temptation may be to continue eating as though your long runs are still at maximum length.  Consider your current fuel needs and adjust accordingly to allow yourself to maintain the spring in your step you are trying to gain by backing off the volume.

Use the taper to make final race day plans

The taper is a great time to break in the fresh pair of shoes you plan to use on race day.  This will allow you to make sure you are past any risk of blisters or other problems, but won’t put that much wear on the shoes before you need them to really go to work.  Similarly, consider your race day attire, pre-race food consumption, and mid race fueling.  While your workouts are a bit easier, you can experiment a bit more to ensure every aspect of race weekend is practiced and proven.

Don’t worry if you feel “flat” during your taper

Feeling a bit sluggish even while you are doing easier workouts can be a function of many things, but is quite common with recreational or pro runners alike.  If you continue the good habits already implemented, you can expect to feel the results of that work ~ 25% into race day (be careful not to take off and drop the pace drastically when this rush hits). Yes, your body is used to a different level of activity and that may leave you feeling a bit off.  This is why it is important to maintain a similar training rhythm so you maintain familiarity and consistency. Once the gun goes off, your months of training won’t betray you! 

Updated by Cally Macumber


Fall_runningAs the days grow shorter, and the leaves begin to change, there's no better time to embrace the beauty of fall running. The crisp, cool air, the vibrant foliage, and the absence of scorching summer heat make fall an ideal season for runners. To fully enjoy your runs and stay comfortable in changing weather conditions, it's important to have the right gear and essentials. Read this must-have fall running checklist that will help you stay safe, warm, and motivated during your seasonal adventures.

  1. Layered Clothing: Fall weather can be quite unpredictable, with chilly mornings and warmer afternoons. Layering your clothing allows you to adapt to changing temperatures throughout your run. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your skin. Add a long-sleeved shirt or a lightweight jacket for warmth, and don't forget a wind-resistant outer layer to protect against cold gusts.

  2. Moisture-Wicking Fabrics: As you transition from the hot summer months to cooler fall weather, moisture-wicking fabrics become your best friend. These materials pull sweat away from your skin, keeping you dry and comfortable during your run. Look for moisture-wicking shirts, socks, and even underwear to prevent chafing and discomfort.

  3. Reflective Gear: With shorter daylight hours, it's crucial to stay visible when running in the early morning or evening. Invest in reflective gear, such as a high-visibility vest, reflective running shoes, or even LED lights that can be attached to your clothing or gear. Safety should always be a top priority.

  4. Gloves and Headwear: As the temperature drops, your extremities can quickly feel the cold. Keep your hands warm with a pair of lightweight, moisture-wicking running gloves. Additionally, consider wearing a beanie or headband to protect your ears and head from chilly winds.

  5. Proper Footwear: Fall often brings wetter conditions, so choose running shoes with good traction and water-resistant features. This will help you maintain stability on wet or slippery surfaces while keeping your feet dry. Don't forget to replace worn-out shoes to prevent injury.

  6. Hydration Pack: Although the heat of summer has passed, staying hydrated during your runs is still crucial. Consider using a hydration pack or belt to carry water or your favorite electrolyte drink. Proper hydration ensures you have the energy to tackle those longer fall runs.

  7. Compression Socks: Compression socks not only provide extra warmth but also offer support to your calf muscles. They can help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of muscle fatigue and cramping during your runs.

  8. GPS Watch: Fall is an excellent time to set new running goals and track your progress. Invest in a reliable GPS watch to monitor your pace, distance, and heart rate. Many modern watches also offer safety features like live tracking, which can be beneficial if you're running alone.

  9. Recovery Tools: As your mileage increases, recovery becomes more critical. Consider adding foam rollers, massage sticks, or even a visit to a sports massage therapist to your routine. These tools can help prevent injuries and keep your muscles feeling fresh.

With the right fall running essentials, you can make the most of this season while staying safe and comfortable. Embrace the crisp air, enjoy the changing scenery, and keep pursuing your running goals. Gear up, step outside, and enjoy the beauty of autumn runs.

If you’re in need of a new GPS device, please reach out to your coach or in regards to our Garmin partnership promotion.

As your fall marathon grows nearer, the power of your mind becomes a key determinant of your success. Beyond physical training, mental resilience is vital for conquering the challenges ahead. This blog post focuses on 5 tips to harness your mental strength throughout your training segment, ensuring you're mentally prepared for your marathon journey. Mental_Strength_for_your_Fall_Marathon

1. Visualize Victory:

Visualization is a powerful tool. Envision your successful marathon, from the starting line to crossing the finish. By mentally rehearsing your achievement, you boost confidence and alleviate anxiety.

2. Set Smart Goals:

Set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals with your coach. We can help provide direction and motivation during training, anchoring your efforts in purpose.

3. Positive Self-Talk:

Your internal dialogue matters. Foster self-encouragement and counter self-doubt with affirmations. A positive self-talk routine builds mental resilience. You are determined, strong, and capable. 

4. Embrace Challenges:

Challenges are often unavoidable opportunities in disguise. Adopt a growth mindset and learn from difficulties. Overcoming obstacles fortifies your mental toughness. There is nothing you cannot overcome.

5. Practice Mindfulness:

Stay present during training runs and the race itself. Techniques like focused breathing enhance focus and calmness.

Through visualization, goal setting, positive self-talk, embracing challenges, and mindfulness, you can elevate your mental game for your fall marathon. Your mental strength is your secret weapon - use it to shape your success!

6. Trust the Taper:

As Coach Rosie says: "The paces that may feel challenging in training now will feel significantly easier on race day. Remember that your legs will be fresh and you will reap the benefits of your hard work. Soak up the energy from the crowd and allow it to drive you forward. Above all, celebrate all of the hard work you have put in. This is your time to shine."

7. Break it Down: 

Coach Tom likes to say:  “Don’t think the of the Marathon as a 26-mile event, instead think of it as a series of 26 mile repeats”.  This implores simple focus on the next mile as the personal Marathon experience usually ebbs and flows.  So try not to think of Mile 26 when you’re at Mile 8.  Instead focus on Mile 9 and get through that.  Often times the break down of both workouts and the race itself into singular steps, make the process that much more palatable."


Training in the Heat

August 24, 2023

summer_runsRunners often love to keep a routine.  In fact, many of us are downright stubborn.  Most of the time, like the last few miles of a marathon, this is an asset.  However, in the warmer months, the conditions may dictate the need to make some adjustments in order to keep your training on track for your fall goal race.   Sometimes, being willing to adjust can help you make the best of an admittedly less than perfect set of conditions, and provide a great opportunity to learn that you can succeed even if you have to deviate from your plan just a bit. 

In this episode of Personal Best, we examine a few quick tips encouraging you to adjust your training for the hottest time of the year.

Be prepared to consider running at other times of day

Perhaps you squeeze in your run at your lunchbreak or at the middle of the day.  Although that may usually provide your best time to run, consider planning ahead, at least on your harder days, to run in the early morning or evening.  Yes, there are benefits to training in the middle of the day to late afternoon vs early in the morning, but the amount of performance benefit lost by training in 95 degrees with 90% humidity is far greater than the impact made by training in the early morning before the sun is overhead or in the evening when it goes down.  Plus, this is also the exact time of year when many runners are beginning to take on new training challenges related to their fall goal races and are vulnerable to a bad day or two if the conditions are not conducive to a strong performance.  If your work/ family schedule doesn't allow this temporary change on a regular basis in the summer, look ahead on your schedule to a few of the most rigorous workouts and do everything you can to protect a favorable time of day in which to complete those at least.

If you can't switch the time of day from when the sun is directly overhead, you can also.....

Be prepared to consider running in different venues

Yes, your workout sheet may say "Track," but oftentimes the temperature of a track surface can be several degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.  Use your car odometer or handheld GPS to measure out your track distances on a bikepath or safe road, preferably one that offers a stretch with a bit of shade.  Yes, the surface may be a bit less perfectly flat and reliable than the track, but you will ultimately feel better the closer you can come to a reasonable temperature in which to complete the workout.   Run along a street with more intersections (being careful and paying attention to traffic) that offers shade.  Run the same short loop twice where you might otherwise do it as part of a longer loop that includes much more exposure.  Do what you need to do to accomplish your workout, and allow yourself to be able to recover and come back well the next day.  Come race day this fall, you'll be glad you made a less scenic, but safer choice.

Many gyms will offer trial memberships, or reasonable prices for a month or two in the summer.  Take advantage of these and get on a treadmill.  Some runners are diehard outdoor runners.  However, consider how pleased you will be to run at the right pace, particularly with the luxuries of a waterbottle and towel that you do not have to hold yourself, potentially a TV to watch your favorite team play, etc.  You're not a wimp if you go inside to run on a treadmill!  You are an athlete that is prioritizing your performance and wants to feel good doing it.

Plan your running around fluid intake

Many of you know to hydrate, before, during, and after longer runs.  We discussed that topic a few months ago here.  However, there is no time of year where it is more important than the summer.  Before you head out on your normal route and in addition to your normal plans, which may include bringing along a water bottle or camelback, consider adjusting slightly as needed to incorporate parks with water fountains, and vendors or convenience stores that won't mind you buying a quick bottle of sports drink with sweaty dollars pulled from your shorts pocket, etc.  During these months, you will need significantly more fluids than normal, and because you should be in the habit of taking them before you are really parched, you are going to need to plan for a larger amount of intake and at more spots along the way.  In addition to drinking, plan to splash water on your head and neck, and other key cooling areas like the back of your wrists and knees.  Don't get caught out! Finish strong because you have been hydrating the whole time.

Wear light colored, breathable fabrics

Although another simple step, it bears reminding that lighter colors absorb less heat, and breathable fabrics will help keep you, if not cooler, then less hot and sweaty.  A hat or visor and sunscreen are key also both to avoiding the immediate problems posed by a sunburn as well as long term problems.  Stay consistent!  Plan ahead for the day.  Bring bodyglide and/ or an extra pair of socks if your sweaty feet tend to cause blisters or too much slipping, and a shirt for afterwards so you aren't sitting in your car dripping and sweating.  It is amazing how much better you will feel if you take care to attend to your attire.

Generally, we think of winter as the harshest season.  Often, summer actually provides the greater challenge because we tend to forget how severely the temperatures can affect us.  In addition to the above, it is important to note that all these steps are important both for your training as well as to avoid heat stroke and non-running related serious heat/ sun ramifications.  Take pride in your training, but not so much that you are not willing to adjust and be flexible if the conditions are unsafe.  If in doubt about a choice you are making to go ahead with a workout, and you don't have a trusted fellow runner to discuss it with, contact us at!

Modified by Cally Macumber 

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